Tagged “speculative design”
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My house is ill! / 2022 / work
Immersive exhibition set in a flat in Delhi to illuminate air pollution within indoor spaces

Heliotropic Horology / 2022 / work
Imagining a radical new way of keeping time, defined by a sunflower

What Does Water Want? / 2021 / work
A speculative reality in which water’s needs and wants are an important consideration in our lives

Speculative Sunday / 2019 / work
A day of hands on workshops at EyeMyth to visualise radical cultural futures for India

The Speculative Design Workshop / 2019 / work
Helping MSF to strategise and plan the future direction of the organisation using speculative design practices

Holoplagiaristic Fatalism / 2016 / work
Speculating on the future of art movements, and world it occupies